Staffordshire Bull Terrier kennel z Falkenštějna


Fehova Winter Dog Show Budapest 2023

Between dog shows held in the Czech Republic, we "jumped" and went to see two CACIB dog shows held in Budapest, Hungary. We met many known faces at the dog show, including the breeders of our beautiful Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed. There was also foreign participation, so there was a lot to see! The first show day of the Fehova Winter Dog Show, 9/2/2023, was judged by the Ukrainian judge
Mrs. Pereguda Kateryna. We met this judge for the first time, but we have to say that we were impressed with her professional judging and all the work in the ring that she demonstrated during the show! Our Megan received a beautiful opinion from this judge with the result Excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB!!!
Thank you so much for the words of praise for our Megan, we really appreciate them!

The second dog show, which we completed on 12/02/2023, we met in the show ring with the well-known judge Mrs. Evelyn Rosch from Germany. Megan pleasantly surprised us and left the show with a beautiful rating of Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB and BOS!!! We thank the judge very much and appreciate her high evaluation of our Megan!

Both dog shows exceeded our expectations and we are extremely happy for that! We would like to thank all the participants for the nice atmosphere that prevailed at the shows, and we also congratulate the winners!


Annual SBT 2022

As every year, we can't celebrate the end of the show year in any other way than by advertising our kennel in the SBT Annual published by Bev Harrison and her team! We are pleased to present our first two-page spread in the well-known and popular book The SBT Annual for 2022! For the perfect graphics, we thank our graphic designer Eva Černohubová, with whom we have been working for years.


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